
Best Bike Chain Lubes Review

1. Dumond Tech From our list, we easily have one of the most reputable chainballs known for cycling: Dumond. These guys have been around for a long time, and so is their little bicycle chain lubricant the best lubricant you can find on the commercial market right now. What makes it so amazing? Let's find out. 2. Finish the line dry Follow-up of our number 2-spot, we have Finish Line's Dry Teflon Chain Lube. Now Finish Line has been in this business for a long time and has done very well chain lubricants, including a wet counterpart to this lubricant as we come in later on in the list. But their dry teflon chain loop is still one of the best products they've ever put. 3. White Lightning Clean RIde Finish top 3, we have White Lightning CLean Ride lubricants. A self-profiled "self-cleaning" lubricant, this butter is special, because it looks like a liquid when pouring it, but feeling dry at the touch. But it's not the only trick that this lubrication h